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Catt.(Species) Guarvolclia Jairak Pinky

Original price was: ₹3,349.00.Current price is: ₹3,250.00.

Cattleya species Guarvolclia Jairak Pinky is a hybrid orchid known for its beautiful and vibrant pink flowers. It features large, frilled petals with a rich pink coloration, often complemented by a white or light yellow lip at the center. The plant has a compact size, making it popular for smaller spaces or in collections. This variety is known for its excellent bloom quality, producing striking and fragrant flowers that often attract attention in gardens and orchid shows. The plant typically thrives in warm and humid conditions, making it suitable for tropical environments or greenhouse cultivation.

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Cattleya guarvolclia Jairak is a type of orchid that belongs to the Cattleya genus. While specific information on this exact hybrid may be rare, Cattleya orchids, in general, are known for their stunning flowers and can be a bit particular about their care. Here are some care guidelines that should work well for most Cattleya species and hybrids, including the guarvolclia Jairak:

1. Light:

  • Medium to Bright Indirect Light: Cattleyas need a lot of light, but it should be indirect to avoid sunburn. They thrive in bright, but not direct sunlight. East or west-facing windows are ideal.
  • Temperature: They prefer warm temperatures, generally between 70°F to 85°F (21°C to 29°C) during the day, and cooler nights (55°F to 65°F, or 13°C to 18°C). They can tolerate brief drops below 50°F (10°C), but it’s best to keep them in a warmer environment.

2. Watering:

  • Watering Frequency: Water the orchid when the potting medium feels dry to the touch, usually once a week. Be sure to let the water drain completely, as they don’t like to sit in water, which can cause root rot.
  • Humidity: They thrive in humidity around 50-70%. You can increase humidity by placing a humidity tray under the pot or by using a humidifier.

3. Potting Media and Potting:

  • Well-Draining Media: Cattleyas prefer a potting mix that drains well, such as a mix of bark, perlite, or sphagnum moss.
  • Repotting: Repot the orchid every 2-3 years, or when it outgrows its pot. Make sure the roots are not cramped, and check for any damaged roots when repotting.

4. Fertilizing:

  • Fertilizing Schedule: Use a balanced orchid fertilizer every 2-3 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). During the winter, reduce the frequency of fertilizing, as the plant will be in a resting phase.
  • Strength: Dilute the fertilizer to about 1/4 strength to avoid over-fertilizing.

5. Air Circulation:

  • Good Air Flow: Cattleyas enjoy good air circulation, so be sure the plant isn’t in a stagnant area. This helps prevent fungal diseases and allows the roots to breathe.

6. Blooming:

  • Bloom Time: Cattleyas typically bloom in the spring and summer. During this time, you’ll want to reduce watering slightly and avoid moving the plant to give it stability while blooming.
  • Bloom Support: If your Cattleya is showing flower buds, be cautious with watering to prevent buds from dropping prematurely.

7. Common Problems:

  • Root Rot: Overwatering is the most common issue. Ensure your pot has drainage holes and avoid leaving the plant sitting in water.
  • Pests: Orchids can sometimes suffer from pests like aphids, mealybugs, or scale. Regularly check for any signs of pests and treat with insecticidal soap or a similar solution.


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